Saturday, August 16, 2014

one year.

my goodness, this is really happening. A YEAR! a whole year. of walking ( so. much. walking.) unpainted toenails, no dryers... the works. i cant believe its been 365 days. but it has! and im grateful for all of it.
so last week i left my camera card at a photo printing store so i couldnt send any pictures but this week should be a little bit better.
lets hear about my week through pictures. how bout it?
love, keels.
the last district pictures. ( our elder kim got transferred.... so. sad.)

the last district picture.

'jazz hands!' -elder smith

three sisters.

'elder kim, dont touch my camera.'..... *poke*

that kid in the back is elder smith. he is a farm boy from idaho and is one of the funniest people ive ever met. he does the weirdest things. sometimes we talk to each other in canadian/minnesotan accents, and the chubby elder is actually from canada and says that my accent is 'so canadian sister pappa.' im so proud of us.
elder kim made the funniest pages in my memory book. weve served in all the same areas so we have known each other for forever.

my ihansor. i miss her so much. her english was seriously american the last time i saw her. its crazy how the koreans learn english too. you should hear all our conversations in the mission office. theyre split between two different languages.

the two cutest little girls in our ward. their mother is adorable and we are really close. i promised her that one day when the girls are older us four are gonna go to india together. im so excited.

there is a 6 year old boy in our ward thats in love with me. he taught me how to do a transformer (what verb am i supposed to use for that?) hes precious and talks my ear off. the last visit his mom eventually had to pull him aside and ask him to stop talking to me so that we could start the lesson. so. cute.


it was so hot one morning that i ran my hair under cold water and then sat in front of the fan. in other hair news- i took a pair of kitchen scissors to mine this week cause all of the sister were too chicken to do it. i just gave myself some side bang-age cause im really sick of one length. not too bad! i dont believe in paying someone to do soemthing i can do myself.

this was in our apartment elevator...... we all screamed.

this bridge is lined with petunias mom. so pretty! everyone is always surprised at how many flowers names that i know, but i always thought that was just normal. i taught sister king what black eyed susans are. everytime we see them she points them out. haha

a year mark scone. i looks disgusting. that must mean that i worked really hard for a year... right?

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