Monday, October 20, 2014


thats the title of my email this week.
referring an area that you love and hold close to your heart to another missionary is enough to make me rip my hair out. HOW do you teach it all?? im doing all the teaching. member contacting. planning. recording. blah blah blah blah.
presidnet shin has me workign on a drawing project.
and i have to design the new english class poster (the last one was horirble.)
and i have to make the missionary info section for the bulletin board.
a crazy week left me with not many pictures taken. sorry!
happenings of the week--
. we made a crossword puzle in korean for our ward mission leader. has anyone ever tried to make a crossword puzzle in a foreign language? its insanely difficult. we put so many hours into that.
. i roled played with a greenie at comvined district meeting this week. i cant believe how little he didnt know. <that sounds really mean. it just made me realize that we come so far and dont even realize it.
. sister lyon and i knocked doors this week and a naked guy just walked out of the bathroom right in front of two innocent american girls trying to preach the good word. sister lyon is scarred for life.
. we had lunch with sister kings parents. it was the weirdest thing. i didnt even know how to talk to them. they were so nice. and so unaccustomed to korea. it was strange seeing what they thought was differtn- things we dont even notice anymore.
. i like kimchi now. it started like two transfers ago and i forgot to tell you guys. ive heard from other missionaries that in the end you evenetually relaly like it and its true. yesterday i ate it with my breakfast without anyone there to see me. it was delicious.
cort- i loved the email that you sent me. and i also got your surprise package. i loved it so much. everything i own smells like herbs now. i wear the braceelt a lot too. so pretty :) i think of you guys all the time. its ok if you dont write a lot, i need to be better too. i know we still lvoe each other. keep me u[date on the kids. even if i dont reply to all of your words i promise i read them and cherish them.
mom- got my package. im spoiled out of my mind. my wardrobe just got like a million times better. thank you for always send me good stuff. i totally forgot the graham crackers were a thing. im saving them. i love you i love you i love you.
sister kelsey are pappa

boooooooooooo i cant send pictures this time. i dont know why its not letting me. just imagine my face in your heart :) love you all

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